Thursday, April 9, 2009


momy is goin to see nana today, but i am not goin. i am stayn here to tak care of the hows. i am sad that momy wil be gon for so long, but unkl adam wil be comin to see me, so thas ok, i gess. i wantd to go see nana, but it is a long trip, and i dont lik the car. it is lowd and it movs and i dont lik it.
unkl adam betr bring treets.

momy is comin hom for lunch so i wil say byby to her then, but i wil be mad.

i hop she coms hom soon.

Friday, April 3, 2009


i dont lik mumys werk. mumy doznt com hom frum werk til laet a lot. she sez tomoro she has to werk agen, teechin pepul to do c p r and how to do fursdayd. i dont no wat that is.

it raynd al day today. ther r som berds owt now lukin for werms. im guna go wach them. then im guna mak mumy go to bedtim.

mumy neds mor sleeps. she shud nap with me on the cowch mor.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


the berds r bak. thay r robns. robns r sily, sez momy. thay hav fat belys.

fat, joocee belys. and i wan to eet them.

momy azkd me wat i wud do with won if i cot it. she azkd if i wud lik it for owrs. i dont no y she thot that...i lik her for owers bcuz i lik her, not cuz i wan to eet her.

i wud eet that fat robn and it wud be very very yumy.

in the last morning, wen the sun was comin up, i saw the robns on the owtsid gras neer the upstayrs-mans car. ther was thre of them, hopin arownd my windo. i yeld at them im gona eet u!!! but they jus kepd hopin. so i thot if i pushd hard enuf on the windo that it wud fall owt! so i put my paws on it and pushd reeeeeeel hard... and ther was a pop! and i thot i pushd it in, but i didnt cuz there was mor windo undr that one.

the robns flapd away, an momy got up. she lokd funy in her jamys with her fase al mesd up. she askd wat i was doin, and she sed i brok the plaztik on her windo, but thas ok cuz she will fiks it with tape. then the robns cam bak and i yeld mor. mumy lafd.

i wil eet al the robns. al of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#E